Monday, November 20, 2006

The effects of dieting and fasting

Curious about fasting and its effects, I did a little more online research. When I do such research, I avoid sites that are selling things. I always find testimonials to be dubious and subjective. I look for independent sites, and stories written by average people with the goal of sharing, not selling.

I found one such story here. It's a little long, but goes into great detail about the various diets this person tried and how each one made her feel. What I found particularly interesting was how some of them made her feel fantastic or joyous, but after getting off the diet the weight would all come back.

One of the alarming side-effects of fasting is malnutrition. She tells us about how her gums started to recede and her hair became brittle. It's a really interesting story that anyone interested in weight loss should read.

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