Thursday, April 27, 2006

Use it or lose it -- the importance of fitness

It's a sad fact of life that the muscles you don't use will become weak and useless. The numerous crunches I used to do doesn't mean I'll have strong abs in the years to come, it has to be maintained. If you want to stay strong even in your retirement years, then you need to emphasize fitness in your life now.

I am guilty of being lazy. I'm lucky in that my metabolism keeps me skinny, but that doesn't mean I won't have problems when I'm older. Exercise strengthens not only your muscles, but your bones and sense of well being too. Regular exercise will keep you from turning into that stooped over, shuffling old grumpy person. It will keep you out of that retirement home that much longer. There are many keys to longer life, and fitness is definitely one of them.

One of the things I'd like to achieve with this blog is not only the dissemination of information, but for me to grow my own awareness as well. My biggest fear in life is becoming decrepit and useless. I do not want to depend on others to help me live my own life. To that end, I am striving to be as healthy as I can. One of my biggest hurdles is laziness. I would much rather be sitting on my ass writing comments in blogs than to be huffing and puffing on the treadmill. As I find things to inspire me to stay active and fit, I will share them. I'm sure there are many of you out there who need it too.

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