Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Smoking Rant

I will never understand smokers. Never in a million years will I ever understand why anyone in their right minds would choose to inhale poisons. There is NO redeeming value to smoking cigarettes. None whatsoever.

It's not just the lung cancer. It drastically increases your chances of practically every other kind of cancer. It increases your blood pressure by causing fat to narrow your arteries. Is cancer and heart attacks not enough for you? How about increased heart disease, strokes, aneurysms, cataracts, bone thinning, hip fractures, and peptic ulcers? How about a long, slow, and painful death?

I can understand 50 years ago nobody knew any better. It was just the cool thing to do and it made you feel good. But now, what excuse does anyone have? They are taught in schools at an early age how bad smoking is for you. Yet why do these people end up lighting up anyway? Is it because the "cool kids" are doing it? What makes them so cool? They're killing themselves early, what's so cool about that?

In my opinion smokers are just stupid. Plain and simple. If you were a hick who grew up with an entire family that smoked, then sure I can see why you'd start too. You didn't know any better. But the vast majority of smokers do know better. They know perfectly well all the poisons that each cigarette contains. And yet they continue. I have no sympathy for these idiots. Oh boo hoo it's so addicting. Well what would you rather be, alive and cranky, or dead? If you choose the route of death, then please, do me a favor and just slice your own throat right now. The world doesn't need people like you.


Heather said...

I started smoking when I was 12. I quit smoking a month after my 30th birthday (9 months ago) after many years of trying to quit. It's hard. Very hard. As I type this, I'm craving a cigarette. Yes, nine months later, I'm craving a smoke. (I'm not going to smoke!)

I agree, smoking is dumb. But once you're hooked, it's a very hard addiction to beat.

Geeky Dragon Girl said...

I admit I wouldn't know the first thing about trying to kick an addiction. I guess just couldn't wrap my head around the idea why anyone would start in the first place.

Heather said...

Stupidity. That's why people start. My older sister who I idolized smoked. I'd puff on smokes (not inhaling) trying to be like my sister. I had a friend spend the night and asked if she wanted to smoke. When we started puffing away, she laughed at me and said that I wasn't doing it right because I wasn't inhaling. So, she taught me how to inhale and that's how my 28 year addiction started. I ended it nine months ago.

Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Well you are a brave, strong-willed person for undertaking the endeavor. Some people, like my dad, never could.