Friday, October 06, 2006

Give me a little credit

So there's this company that does blog advertising by paying bloggers to post about stuff. Apparently this is some big controversial thing, but not so controversial that they couldn't manage to get $3 million in venture capital. I guess somebody thought it was a good idea.

The main thing people are complaining about is that bloggers are not required to disclose that their post is a paid advertisement. I don' t think they give readers enough credit. I mean, can't you tell the different between someone writing about a product they use and someone writing some fluff? I would think the difference is pretty clear, wouldn't you?

1 comment:

janjan0000 said...

It's funny, before I heard of this, I'd taken a trip to the drugstore and found some awesome products.
I was going to post about them.
And then I heard about this stuff and figured people wouldn't believe me in my product-love.
Seriously though.