Monday, July 31, 2006

Avoid the rush

One of the most important things you can do to help control your weight is to keep your blood sugar from spiking. In other words, avoid the sugar rush. A sudden increase in blood sugar means an increase in insulin production. Pretty soon you have an insulin spike. From what I've read, insulin is one of the triggers for fat production. See now why you want to avoid that spike?

Eating things like white bread or candy result in sugar spikes. But this doesn't mean you have to cut them from your diet (though that would be the recommended path, we all know how unrealistic it is to go cold turkey like that). There are two things you can consume with your sugar-laden food to help reduce the resulting spike -- protein and fiber.

Protein helps to balance out your sugar levels, sort of like diluting the sugar's level of concentration. Peanutbutter, milk, nuts, cheese, beef jerky... these are great sources of protein that you can eat immediately before or after your sugary item. I keep nuts with me at work all the time. Sometimes we have cake in the office for birthdays and such, so just before (or just after) having a slice, I'll eat several almonds or peanuts. This will help level out the sugar that will no doubt be coursing through my veins.

Fiber also helps to "dilute" the sugar levels by slowing down digestion. White breads break down much more quickly than whole wheat. So if you have a choice, get the whole grains over the refined carbs.

It's a matter of wise food choices. Avoid that donut if you can, but if you really need to have one, try to balance it with some protein. Have a glass of milk with it. By avoiding the sugar rush, you'll also be avoiding the inevitable sugar crash later.


The Radical Notion said...

So....are you suggesting we eat beef jerky? LOL.

Geeky Dragon Girl said...

LOL! If you can stand the stuff. I find the terriaki ones more edible than the traditional. But they're all tough to chew.

Anonymous said...

You offer some good advice here. I was a gestational diabetic during my last pregnancy and had to avoid milk though or keep it to a half glass. Milk actually has a lot of sugar and isn't always the best choice. Great banner on your blog. I enjoyed my visit.

Geeky Dragon Girl said...

That's a good point, milk does have lactose in it. Soy milk would be even better, but not a lot of people like it. I drink soy milk myself.

Geeky Dragon Girl said...

There's also almond milk, which I personally like the taste of better than soy, but it's got more carbs and less protein than soy.

Sarah said...

I'm fussy with my milk too, I only have it on cereal or in milkshakes but it's got to be regular semi skimmed cow's milk. I so wanted to like soy milk as part of a health kick but like Kentucky Girl I couldn't get past the taste.

Never tried Almond milk though.