Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The importance of having alternatives

Someone brought donuts to the office. Again. I usually have no problems resisting, but they seemed to be calling more loudly than usual today. Every time I passed by them I would hear their call and stare longingly into the box. "Just one," I would think. I haven't had one in years.

It's hard. There is no doubt that junk food is habit forming and easy to succumb to. I finally managed to tear myself away from the donut box by repeating to myself that I have cookies in my desk. Cookies that do not contain trans fats. And although it just wasn't the same, it was enough to pull me away from the evil donuts.

One of the easiest way to avoid succumbing to bad foods is to not keep them stocked. But this doesn't mean depriving yourself altogether. Buy foods that are free from trans fats and high fructose corn syrup and keep them handy. You never know when someone (who obviously doesn't know any better) will bring something tempting yet evil to share.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to also stay away from "hydrolyzed vegetable protein".

Oh, this is Alaska Dave Down Under, just having problems signing in for some reason...

Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Seems like hydro-anything is best to be avoided when it comes to food!

kg. said...

I didn't exactly know where to ask this. However, I was wondering if you had any ideas or content to write about for healthy lunches that I could bring to school. I'm desperately trying to stop eating cafeteria food, although its proving to be very difficult because I'm at a loss for quick meal ideas.