Thursday, May 24, 2007


Since I started to go to the gym during my lunch break instead of after work, I've been able to go fairly regularly. When you go around the same time every day, you start to notice other people who are there the same time as you. I don't particularly care who these people are because they're doing their own thing while I do my own thing. But I have been noticing this elderly lady who is always there.

She doesn't look to be in particularly good shape. She's a little chubby, is slightly stooped over, and her walk is more of a shuffle with a slight limp. I don't know if it's arthritis or what it is that has caused her decrease in mobility. She looks uncomfortable as she shuffles from one weight machine to the next, yet she persistently goes at it day after day.

Maybe she got a late start on her commitment to fitness, but she's committed now. It would be easier for her to sit in a rocking chair, knitting. But she's decided she's not going to go down without a fight. She's a picture of determination. It doesn't matter what age you are, it's never too late to be dedicated to your health.


janjan0000 said...

Okay, that just totally put a smile on my face.
(and made me feel lazy too, but we won't go there)

Geeky Dragon Girl said...

Heh, we'll just concentrate on the fact that you're a busy busy mom. :)

janjan0000 said...

or something like that.