Monday, August 28, 2006

Battling gluttony with willpower

I watched an episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and they were helping out this couple who gained 40 pounds since their wedding... which wasn't too long ago from what I understand. The husband said he could easily eat an entire tub of ice cream in a day. Not a pint, a tub. Okay that's just sick. And the wife said she eats her cereal with half and half. WTF? Isn't whole milk rich enough, she has to eat it with half and half?? And they're baffled why they've gained so much weight in such a short period of time? What's wrong with them??

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I adore ice cream, perhaps more than others (but obviously not more than that guy). However I know of this thing called moderation. Some people don't. It surprises me sometimes how little common sense some people have when it comes to food choices. They make weird little rationalizations in their minds to justify these unwise choices. "I walked around the block today, so I can eat a giant bowl of ice cream as a reward."

The thing is, they most likely know that it's an unwise choice, but they do it anyway and figure they'll make up for it later. Operating on such a mindset usually means that "later" never comes. Willpower isn't just the strength to say no to these unwise choices. It's the strength to make the day to day commitment to health. It's knowledge that every day's choices has consequences. It's believing the fact that today's choices affect your health later. If you don't make the right choices now, your health won't improve later.


Anonymous said...

Ofcourse you are right about willpower. Ofcourse you are right about minding one's health.

I know all that, and am very much so working to be fit by exercising, I do not smoke, nor drink and hardly eat any meat

However (ofcourse there's a however): I am way too fat. I eat a lot of unhealthy food, even FROZEN food when I have one of my binge eating hysteria moments (read: hours, days .....). I do not even like it when I do so. And I do not throw up or anything to lose it again. That would be unhealthy also, huh?

So eating, and taking care of my health, it's a fucked up thing for me. I am grateful for your post though. Because I do not tell this to give myself an excuse to eat, or for anyone to feel sorry for me. I am convinced that one day, any day, I will have the willpower and the stability of mind to say no to all this excessive food.

Your post has given me food for thought (that's a start, isn't it?). So please keep writing about it, I will keep reading, and let your good words sink in.....

Geeky Dragon Girl said...

This was a great comment, and it's inspired me to write more in this blog. Different things inspire different people. You just need to find your source for inspiration and you you'll start making the right choices. Everyone has this strength within them. You just need to tap into yours.

Anonymous said...

I know it's very hard if you are used to eating foods just because they taste good, and not because it's good for you. I come from a family that loves making food, both good and bad for you.